Multiplayer is Here!

It's about time! I've never really worked with multiplayer networking and stuff before, so this was a true exploration into the unknown for me, and a HUGE step forward for Frenzy Force!

Some major additions and highlights for you guys:

  • Multiplayer added, up to 6 people at once!
  • Pre-game Lobby added
  • Updated graphics and HUD layout
  • Revive ability added for all players to resurrect teammates
  • Turrets give you coins when you shoot them now
  • Reduced lag from Randall's rain puddles (it was pretty bad)

Because it's the first time messing around with servers and clients, there's a HIGH probability that something will break when you guys try out the multiplayer, but I tried to test everything thoroughly! If you find something that softlocks/crashes the game, let me know and I will swoop in to fix it as soon as possible.

A ton of the changes happened behind the scenes this time around, so not a whole lot will APPEAR to be different to the casual user, but I assure you this is the biggest update yet!


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68 days ago

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