New Content!

After many hours in the lab, I finally have more Frenzy Force to share!

A brand new Biome has been introduced, along with it's associated character and weapons. I also added a few new features and quality of life improvements. Here's a (mostly) comprehensive list:

  • Added Sky Biome
  • Added Randall
  • Added Acid Sprayer and Lightning Gun (prolly gonna come up with better names at some point lol)
  • Added Jumping ability for all characters, just press [SPACE]
  • Added Upgrade Fruit and Fruit Bulb
  • Added Skill Cooldown meter
  • Reduced Ragnar Acceleration (he was too good let's be real)
  • Reduced Sally's Healing cooldown and Heal amount (also a long time coming)
  • Changed Interact button from [SPACE] to [E]
  • Added smooth Field of View change when swapping between weapons

I talk more about the specifics behind these changes in my latest Devlog, check it out here!

In the next update, I plan to finally add a new enemy type, as well as some minigames! Hopefully I can squeeze in a new biome somewhere in there too!

Thank you to everyone who played the first release, your feedback and enthusiasm was much appreciated :)


Frenzy Force 24 MB
Mar 15, 2024

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